Tag Archives: chocolate

At least there’s pie.

After a week and a half of waiting, I got my MRI approved by insurance, so that happens tomorrow. Hooray! We’ll see if my liver is okay or if my insides are going to explode. So, you know, positivity.

Speaking of positivity, I got pie for pi day! And sugar makes me fat (and most likely sick) but it makes me happy. Teehee.

I had to compromise with the hubs, though, because I wanted the sugariest chocolate pie ever created (because why pass up chocolate if you don’t have to?) but we ended up just getting apple instead. Compared to anything chocolate, though, a fruit pie’s pretty lame.

I made him get ice cream to go with it, which he didn’t want. He wanted to actually EAT both the pie and ice cream and was afraid he was buying it just for me to eat it ALL. But, I’m not a monster. I share things.


Especially because (contrary to the above sentences) I’m actively trying to cut back on my sugar intake. Which is hard! because it’s delish! and also makes me fat (and most likely sick) (in case you didn’t get that the first time). The hardest thing has been all the shit I put in my coffee, really, so I’m stepping down little by little and still working on making cold brew to take away the bitterness so that I can drink it black.

Because coffee is life, and anyone who tells you differently is not to be trusted.

I’ve got to get back to work (because I’m terrible with time management, and so I’m always working), so this is where I leave you.

Have a good night, friends. Be kind to yourselves.

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