Tag Archives: nap

A day of productivity? No, just sleeping.

I meant to get stuff done but just slept instead. Right now, I’m still in one of those post-nap hazes, where I could go back to sleep or I could spend a couple hours doing nothing of importance OR doing quality work until inevitably it’s 3am and I just sleep because it seems reasonable.

I mean… you know what I’m gonna do right?

If you said more Netflix you’d be SO RIGHT! But I have nothing to give you as a prize. I’m sorry.

Tomorrow, I see David Sedaris, whose books I enjoy. I saw him once at a Borders when that was still thing, and waited in line to get my book signed, but had to leave early to go to work (I was working an overnight shift at the time), so I told my friend to tell him that I had to go but that I was not a stripper. He drew me a candy cane. I still have that book.

Have a good night, all.

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